We Are the Ownership ClassBusiness Certifications
Iowa SBA™ issues Minority Owned Business Certification to companies with 51% or more minority-ownership.1 These courageous entreprenuers have overcome historical oppression and legislated exclusion to proudly exclaim their role in today's society as business owners. Statewide, over 3 million companies exist in Iowa with over 40% of business owners being born in foreign countries and migrating their person or company to the Lone Star State. Iowa SBA™ Minority Owned Business Certification represents “pride in ownership” and verifies the company's ownership structure. Register Here.

Diversity Equity Inclusion

For decades, Iowa SBA™ has uplifted minority business owners as policy and encourages this duty upon socially responsible Iowa corporations. Diversity in the human experience; Equity in the distribution of wealth; and Inclusion in opportunity access is the character of Iowa SBA™ Minority Owned Business Certification. Our goal of promoting the fair treatment and full-participation of minorities in Iowa society while simultaneously considering their unique experiences makes Iowa SBA™ initiatives very well-known and respected. Sign-Up Now.

Requirements1 Who's Eligible1
Company Must Be Registered in the State of Iowa
51%  or more of the total ownership interest must be held by four or fewer individuals; one (1) person at minimum.
Any Person With Origins in Any of the Original People of:
  • Black Africa.
  • Europe, the Middle East, North Africa.
  • North America, Central America, South America.
  • Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent.
  • Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, other Pacific Islands.
  • Two or More Races.
United States of America Citizens.
Resident Aliens and other Foreigners Possessing
a U.S. Immigration Visa.
Non-U.S. Citizens Operating a Registered Business Within the State of Iowa.
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Reasons for Certification Certification Package Includes1
Establish Company Image & Reputation
Solicit Community Recognition & Home Country Bragging Rights
Exhibit Company Pride & Honor
Publicize Company Ownership Structure
Distinguish Oneself from Competitors
Be a Role Model for Minority Youth
Iowa SBA™ Certification Number
Signed Letter of Certification
Certification Seals & Decals
24-Hour Online Verification
24-Hour Smartphone Phone Verification
Personalized QR Code @ Iowa SBA™
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Iowa SBA™ Minority Owned Business Certification does not require audited financial statements; no classroom or course attendance; no minimum years in operation; and no "on-site examination" of your company's office is required.  Absentee ownership is permitted: Business owner does not need to perform daily managerial duties nor live in the USA. Get Registered Today.

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1. Iowa SBA™ Terms of Service.

Certification Package Includes Click the Image

Diversity Among Fortune 500 CEOs

White = 92.6%
Latino = 3.4%
Asian = 2.4%
Black = 1%
Other = 0.6%

Cross-Listing Provided

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Iowa SBA™
Minority Owned Business Certification
Diversity      Equity      Inclusion

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  Iowa SBA™ Business Certifications